Intelligent Digital Services for Supporting the European Fitness Monitoring System (i4EUFITMOS)

Erasmus+ Sport funded project which aims to continue and extend the work done in the project European Fitness Monitoring System (EUFITMOS).

About the project

“Intelligent Digital Services for Supporting the European Fitness Monitoring System” (i4EUFITMOS) project aims to continue and extend the work done in the project “European Fitness Monitoring System (EUFITMOS).

It aims to achieve a wide and consistent implementation of the EUFITMOS fitness battery, by having comparable, valid, and reliable physical fitness data available as an indicator of HEPA at the European level can be achieved.

In addition, i4EUFITMOS project plans to augment the EUFITMOS online platform with intelligent and more sophisticated digital services for exploiting and disseminating the fitness data in a usable way to support decision-making and HEPA policy planning.

The primary target groups are (a) Kids and youngsters; (b) PE teachers; (c) Researchers & Young scientists. Also, additional groups will be considered like Policy makers, and General public.

Objectives of the project

About the EUFITMOS fitness protocol

The monitoring of physical fitness of adolescents is important because it reflects the impact of genetic and environmental factors on health indicators. Based on the physical fitness level of children, pedagogical, and public health strategies and policies can be developed. In this sense, it is necessary to have a battery of validated fitness tests, capable of assessing physical fitness to obtain data that allow us to determine the level of health and at the same time establishcomparisons between.


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Partners of the project

Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis

Faculty of Human Kinetics, Universidade de Lisboa

Sports Union of Slovenia

Deutscher Sportlehrerverband

Northern Greece Physical Education Teachers’ Association

University of Montenegro

Albanian Sports Science Association

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.